Friday 5 October 2012


What we did
I wrote down a short questionnaire that we could ask people which found out a little bit about them for instance, occupation and then their short film/genre interests. It was ensured that it was about our chosen genre, Romance to discover the publics opinions on it or what they would prefer to see in a short film. By doing this, we could take adjust anything that we think wouldn't appeal to people if needed or add sub genres to gain more interest.
We then went into various buildings in Barnsley college (Old Mill Lane and Eastgate) to try and get a variety of people to take our questionnaire and also film it. We tried to get variety in categories such as age and gender mainly to gain different opinions to see if they differ at all. In addition, if we asked the same type of people then their views will almost be the same which wouldn't be of use to us in our research and it is a start in finding out our target audience. We managed to ask 5 male students, 3 female students, 1 male teacher and 2 female teachers all studying/teaching a variety of subjects.

Editing process
After filming all of our participants the footage needed putting together in a questionnaire style. I decided to edit each bit of footage by putting a question and showing everyones answer after each other. This would be good because then all the answers to a specific question are altogether which appears better when viewing. After doing this, I put in text in several places for instance at the beginning to show what the video is about/who it is by before it starts. Furthermore I also added text when each question was being said by the interviewer to make it clear to the audience what is being asked. As some of the answers were really short, because some were just a simple yes/no, when they were put together the video was going too quick. To make this better for viewing I decided to add transitions between each clip (dissolve) so it would space the clips out more and make it better to watch to the audience. Also, I edited the framing as in some clips there was too much headroom in the shot. Therefore, I ensured that in all of the clips they were roughly the same shot as each other so when the video was put together it showed continuity and is better visually

From the questionnaire we gained knowledge of opinions from different people about the questions we asked. The majority of people said they didn't particular like the Romantic genre and had other various preferences for instance, action, horror.  Therefore most of those wouldn't be interested in watching a Romantic 5 minute short film, which was our initial idea to do however, they would probably watch a short film. This may mean that we should add a sub genres to appeal to a wider audience something like, drama or comedy. It was mainly the females who would want to watch one of the Romantic genre however we did have slight diverse answers between genders, which helps when thinking about our target audience.

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