Tuesday 20 November 2012

Final Storyline synopsis

James is walking to the train station to go to work at Urban Outfitters in Meadowhall when he see's a girl he knows, Sally, stood on the same platform. He walks in the opposite direction to avoid her but she see's him and approaches him. They have a very short conversation until the train pulls up. James walks away from Sally to get in a different carriage to her. They both sit down and Sally has a flashback of happy memories that they had together.
In her flashback they are holding hands, laughing and joking about so it is clear that they used to be together. Then, she stands up to go and look for James to talk to him but in the meanwhile James also has a flashback of a party where he walks into the kitchen and finds Sally cheating on him but she denies everything however he doesn't believe her and they break up.
James snaps out of his flashback as Sally sits in front of him, she explains that what he saw at the party wasn't right and that she didn't cheat on him. They get off the train and Sally pulls out a ripped picture on him and James pulls out one of her. James grabs her hand as he believes that she didn't cheat because she had kept the picture of him for a year.
As they hold hands, James' current girlfriend, Leah see's what has happened and shouts at James. She runs towards them and shoves Sally onto the train tracks.

We obviously can't show Sally falling onto the train tracks so instead we will cut the shot just as Leah pushes her and then cut to just a black screen. Diagetic sounds of a train horn will fade into the sound of a heart monitor which will imply that she has died.

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