Saturday 24 November 2012

Questionnaire results

This print screen shows the responses for each question I gained from the questionnaire produced on Google docs. From this, I can now put together better a target audience as we have gained the some public opinion.

The majority of resposnses were from the ages of 15-19, female and from the synopsis we put, they all said they would consider watching it and enjoyed the romantic genre too. By finding this out, it helps us narrow our target audience more and who we want to appeal to when filming.
Furthermore, it helps us in terms of distribution as I asked where they would watch it. The responses showed that the internet is the main source for watching short films to them therefore, can focus on doing that more even though we had a slight deviation with some saying, before a film at the cinema and TV. As a result we can find ways to distribute via the internet in the post production stage as most teenagers of that age category use the internet alot now. Also, we can attempt to find ways in which to get more people viewing short films as most people take little interest in them so we can try publiscise it in the best way possible.
The improvements category helped us alot when writing a script because we took the critism that we need 'to add more events' which is why we made the deicision to add a shocking ending and add events in the flashbacks, revealing aspects about the relationship between the two main characters. However, we attempted to keep the elements in which the results said they liked about the synopsis for instance, how it follows the romantic genre and can relate some things to their own life.
In addition, I asked about the age certificate to see what the publics opinion was, with most of the responses were PG. However, as we have changed the synopsis during the script writing process, we may have to not take these into considersation as much, as some events in our short film may not be suitable for a PG now.

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