Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tricky shots practice

This video is of us practising the trick shots that we want in our film. The first is an establishing shot, both zooming in and out because we want to film on the bridge of the train station to set the scene. furthermore, we had an idea to zoom in/out on the characters as they are walking down the slope to the platform.
Our second shot is an unsteady close up, which entails the character staggering and the person holding the camera to walk backwards whilst moving the camera, keeping a close up shot. We wanted to do this because we have a party scene where the character is drunk therefore showing him walking around, giving the drunk effect.
In the editing process I divided each shot up, adding text before to show which shot it is. furthermore, i added the transition cross dissolve between each cut to add continuity to the video. Furthermore, I added bloopers at the end because it was extra editing practice which I could extend my editing skills.

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