Sunday 21 April 2013

Evaluation - 3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

When we proposed our first idea and asked an audience the majority of the feedback said the same thing, that our film didn't have much going on and it needed a cliff-hanger or something more exciting happen. This is why we proposed the pregnancy story-line to add an extra twist and increase the drama. We got the feedback from using Twitter and Facebook to ask people we know and don't know what they think of our film to add anything extra that would make our film better or change anything that we have done incorrectly.



The questionnaire provided a lot of feedback that we took on board. 

This is an example of the questionnaire. 

After we received the feedback we were able to put it into pie charts to summarise the information.

These were all the comments that we received; the good and bad ones. 

A lot of the story-line was conveyed through the script which explained a lot of what was going on. The audience was able to follow the film as Sally explained what had happened to her at the party to Lizzie, during this conversation there is many flash-backs to what actually happened which explains the story-line appropriately. 

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