Monday 22 April 2013

Evaluation - 2) How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

We encountered several problems once we had finalised our first script. To begin with, a lot of the film locations were on a train and after contacting South Yorkshire Travel and asking for permission to film on one of their trains they never got back to us. Because this would take up a lot of time if we where to keep contacting and asking other train companies we decided to not use this story line. Then we had to change the story-line, script and story-board. Our new story-line had one of the casts houses as the main location, this mean't that it was very accessible and easy to organise around. After changing the majority of our film we found that the time in which could finishing filming was very much decreased. This would mean that we had much more time to edit and work on our final film using Finalcut. 

In our film poster and radio trailer I feel that we managed to reflect our overall film appropriately. The film poster showed the main character, Sally, looking distressed whilst holding her stomach to conote that she may be pregnant whilst holding a drink that can be presumed to be vodka. She looks tired and upset which gives anyone looking at the poster the impression that this is a drama. The dark background also adds to the connotations of sadness as it is a brick wall in an urban setting, it looks bleak and as though not much is going right for Sally. In the radio trailer we featured many of the sound clips from our film that give away small sections of the story-line so the audience knows if they would want to watch it, by adding the dramatic parts of speech and key words such as "pregnant" I believe that the overall themes and ideas where presented sufficiently. 

Other advertising products we took inspiration from was the 'Mean Girls' film poster. Despite this film being a comedy we liked the idea of seeing a full length version of the main character being represented with an expression that would connote her thoughts and maybe convey the genre of the film. In the instance of 'Mean Girls' the main character looks on with a look of shock, as if she does not know what to do. One idea from this we took away was the three girls in the background, this had nothing to do with our film and given the time we may have took this idea and used it to show the two other males in the film who are caught up in the love triangle. The 'Mean Girls' poster shows the protagonist in the situation that is the whole movie which would be a suitable idea for ours also. 

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