Friday 19 April 2013

Evaluation - 4) How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Digital technology such as Photoshop enabled us to develop creatively in terms of creating our production logo and film poster. Both of these technologies mean't that we could create new ideas and develop on them in order to make something that is unique to our short film. We encountered some problems whilst using these because of the lack of knowledge we had about using them. However, after some research using Youtube and Google we managed to find some tutorials and explanations of how to use all the different aspects of Photoshop so we could create what we wanted to. Furthermore, we used Google Docs to create a questionnaire that enabled us to get audience feedback so we knew what to change in the film and therefore how to improve on it. This was also useful because we could discover what our type of audience was so we could model our film around this and then make the age rating suitable for the people who would most likely want to watch it. Also, Youtube was very useful and something I used a lot when planning our movie, this was because using it I could look at ideas and examples from other films that we could take inspiration from like 'Juno.' Another technology that we used was Final Cut that was used for the editing and final construction of our film. 

Final Cut Express

In Final Cut we had to add all of the difference takes and scenes from our footage and put them together to make the final movie. Again in terms of knowledge on the use of Final Cut it was difficult at time but the internet provided a lot of help to help us make the best of our movie. In the end Final Cut was very effective and useful and made our film the best it could possibly be. 
Sony HD 1000

Also, the camera we used was called a Sony HD 1000, at first there were difficulties as we had never used one before but after getting used to the camera we realised the benefits of using this one. 

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