Sunday 16 September 2012

Detailed film proposal

James is walking towards the train station, listening to his ipod when he see's Sally, a girl that he is friends with and she is stood at his platform. She shyly smiles towards him. He smiles back because he is in love with her but he daren't tell her how he feels incase she doesn't feel the same way.
In his mind we see that they are in love. We have snapshots and short snippets of them growing up together with sounds of wedding bells and children to demonstrate that they have started a family together however this is just his imagination of how he wishes their future together would be. Then, it goes back to reality and he walks over to talk to her however, the conversation that they have is very awkward because all he can think about is that he loves her so he doesn't know what to say. Then, her train pulls up and she hints to him if he is going to get on with her. But he doesn't. She sits down and types a message on her phone to James saying 'I love you'.Then we cut to a flashback in Sally's mind of moments between them where she is hinting that she loves him-asking him to go to the cinema/go round to her house ect- but he is oblivious to her feelings.
Once the train has begun to move, she sighs and deletes the text on her phone and looks up to see that James is sat opposite her. He takes the phone off her, puts it on the table and holds her hands. They smile at eachother to tell the audience that they now know the truth that they are in love with the other.

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