Monday 17 September 2012

Final film (basic) idea

After coming up with different story line's we decided on a final storyline that we believed would be appropriate to film and plan: 

A Boy is walking towards the train station and she see's a girl he that he is friends with on his platform and he is in love with her but he daren't tell her how he feels. In his mind we see that they are in love, married and have children but this is just his imagination. Then, it goes back to reality and he walks over to talk to her however, the conversation that they have is very awkward.
Her train pulls up and she hints to him if he is going to get on with her. But he does not. She sits down and types a message on her phone to the boy saying 'I love you'.Then we cut to a flashback of moments between them where she is hinting that she loves him but he is oblivious to her feelings. Once the train has begun to move, she deletes the text on her her phone and looks up to see that he is sat opposite her. He takes the phone off her and holds her hands. They smile at eachother to tell the audeince that they now know the truth that they are in love with the other.

Character Names:

Boy- James Oscar
Girl- Sally Herman

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