Tuesday 11 September 2012

Genre research - Science Fiction.

In the process of deciding a narrative for our short film the research into genre is important because we can use the ideas to incorporate and help us think of an idea. It also widens our knowledge and understanding of different genres therefore by researching them, we will know what aspects our short film will need to include. 

Genre is usually recognise in films by the elements used within the film that puts it within a category. Examples of the contributing factors are props, setting, theme and mood. 
Sci fi genre
Sci fi (science fiction) includes rational ideas about narratives relating to the future for instance, technology, science or paranormal abilities. It differs however to fantasy because even though some ideas could be pure imaginary, some scientific elements have the possibility of being established. 
However there can be many sub genres for example, 
Hard Science Fiction - films that include this will pay more attention to detail in their narratives mainly relating to the sciences physics and chemistry which some accurate future predictions have come from.  
Soft and social Science Fiction -  In contrast with hard Sci fi, this sub genre focuses more on the social sciences such as, psychology and sociology. In this the narrative focuses mainly on the emotion and characters. 
Alternate history - These narratives are based on historical events but end with a different outcome. They usually contain time travel or have the setting in a different universe to ours. 
Superhuman - This sub genres story lines contain characters with abnormal abilities either emerged from natural causes or created by other characters within the film. 

Expected elements in a sci fi
  • Future/space or historical if the narrative is to change past events.
  • Characters can include aspects like aliens and robots.
  • Advanced, futuristic technology for instance, teleportation and different dimensions.
  • Abilities that the average human wouldn't have such as, mind reading/control.
  • Many scientific references that can be possible or go against the science laws.

This is a film poster I researched of the sci fi genre. From this, it shows some elements you would expect to find in a science fiction film. This is because the characters appear robots, it's looks futuristic and it's setting is on a different planet/dimension.

Sci fi genre has emerged throughout the years as a result of new ideas relating to science and technologies. It dates back to mythology since literature in the 10th century as a way of telling people about the world in a way they would understand (through storytelling). An example of stories that came out because of new technologies is 'The War of the Worlds' by H G Wells, about an alien invasion set in late Victorian England. This was an inspiration from the creation of electricity. 

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