Tuesday 11 September 2012

Research into the Romance Genre


This romantic short film is about how out of the 86,400 seconds in a day, just one can make a difference. The main character sees a girl in a local cafe and decides to start talking to her, from this point the film then shows a series of pictures that illustrates their relationship. They look happy and videos are cut into the middle, they show them walking through a field and holding hands. They look like the perfect couple as the main character narrates, he talks about how all of this just came from that second in the cafe that he decided to talk to her. When the short film cuts back to the cafe he does not actually approach her and then their images are erased from photographs and everything is reversed, it never happened. We have decided that this would be a good film to look at is it reflects some of the ideas we where considering exploring in our film, as the images show their relationship we wanted to do the same. Possibly by showing a series of images that chronicle their relationship, however like this film it doesn't happen.

When You Love Someone

This short film tells the story of a boy who tries to run away from his love, after realising that his memories are the only thing keeping him from his past. In this short film we really liked and are taking inspiration for all of the shots where the boy is walking around. He looks unhappy as he wonders, the shots used are what we would like to have in our short film at the beginning when the boy is walking toward the train station. The main theme of this film is being with the one person you truly believe you belong with, in the case the one he is running from is a girl he had previously dated. Like our film also we want to do a happy ending, this film has one. In the end, they end up being together. 

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