Sunday 16 September 2012

Development of my initial Story Idea

A boy is madly in love with one of his friends but he daren't tell her in case she doesn't feel the same way. We see a boy and a girl laughing together which will be diegetic sound and the non-diegetic sound will be a voice over of the boy telling the audience about her, he will be comparing himself with her and how he wishes he was good enough for her. Then, it cuts to the girl writing in her journal but there is still a voice over of her saying what she is writing. Towards the end of the film the boy says (in the voice over) that he is going to ask her to go to the cinema this happens as he is walking towards her. She runs up to him and hugs him and tells him how happy she is but that another boy had said that he wanted to be with her as well. At the beginning of the film the audience will believe that they are in love with each other but at the end of the film we realise that she was writing about someone else. 

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